Friday, January 18, 2008
Post Descriptions - Part 2
Message #1: The first message is our two-sided messaged designed to appeal to Central Route Processing. We are stating that birth control is the right way to go to help prevent from pregnancy. We stated that some other people believe that abstinence is the best way, but we feel that abstinence is unrealistic in our society today. We added a picture of Jamie Lynn Spears who clearly has not obstained from sex.
Message #2: The second message is our simple message with distractors, including our animated Use Birth Control! glitter font! We also used glitter font to give other options besides the pill, but emphasizing the importance of using birth control. We also included a picture of a doctor, a smart individual who others will believe.
Message #3: Our third message is our fear-inducing message that incorporated the four steps discussed in class. It includes a picture that has a young girl, with text stating "Oh no, I'm Pregnant... and I don't want to be." The text included in the post describes the risk of negative events in your life, the likelihood that the negative event will occur if they don't adapt to the behavior, the likelihood that the negative event will not occur if they adopt the behavior, and the specific steps you can do to follow the behavior.
Be Aware!!
It is simple and easy to go to your doctor and talk about birth control. If you don't wish to talk to you doctor about it then go to a family planning center and find out the details. There are many places you can go to get birth control, this even includes going to your local Walmart and purchasing some condoms!
Use birth control, or else you will end up with unwanted pregnancy.
Your Wrong! Birth Control vs. Abstinence
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Post Descriptions!
Message #1: The first post USE BIRTH CONTROL! represents the classical conditioning principles, including intensity and repetition. The classical conditioning explains that if a new stimulus is repeatedly paired with a stimulus that already produces a response in us, eventually the new stimulus will produce a similar response. We used the techniques intensity by bolding, adding size, changing the color and CAPITALIZING the key phrase USE BIRTH CONTROL! We repeated this saying, our use of repetition, to gain the full effect of the message.
Message #2: The second message, Enjoy your free time! represented a happy, attractive couple who currently uses birth control. We paired these things together to create a positive thing, the use of birth control. If this happy couple are enjoying their free time, so can everybody who uses birth control!
Message #3: The third message, Easy to Take, Ask this Girl! Demonstrates another classical conditioning pair. It represents the behavior we want people to do and something that they already like, like the attractive young girl in the picture. This girl is holding up a birth control pill packet influencing others to do the same! We thought that this picture aqcentuated the positive pairing to create the positive outcome.
Message #4: Our fourth message, A message from Julia Roberts, is demonstrating the use of credible communicators. She is a famous, attractive, trustworthy individual who has personally used birth control, making her an expert about using the pill. She is a good component for the basis of persuasion and many people are aware of her and her presence in Hollywood!
Message #5: Our fifth message, Doctor Advice, is another example of credible communicators. Advice from the personal doctor will allow readers to gain credible knowledge about the pill and how to obtain it. This doctor is also attractive and female, making other females more comfortable to reach out.
Message #6: Message six, Prevent it! talks about our Subliminal Message. These pictures would be shown and the messages in the post will be flashed in order to gain access to the readers unconscience mind. We feel that this will help get our message across!
Prevent It!
Doctor Advice

A Message from Julia Roberts
Easy To Take, Ask This Girl!
Worried everyone will know your taking birth control? And you don't want people knowing details about your sex life? No worries! Notice that this girl is on the pill. It is a tiny packet of pills that can easily be hidden. You can slip it in a drawer, your pocket book, or a backpack. All you have to do is excuse yourself at somepoint and simply take a pill. It's easy and convenient, and no one will notice! Or simply take it at night in the privacy of your own home as your slipping into your pajamas like this fellow birth control user!
Enjoy Your Free Time!
This couple is using birth control. They both get to spend their free time worry free, and do not have to think about the risk of potential pregnancy? Why sit around and worry, waiting for the end of the month to come? You can be on birth control and be worry free all month. This will enable you to be much happier and enjoy all aspects of your life much more!
Why danger yourself with unwanted pregnancy?
Why live an unhappy, depressed life because of unexpected circumstances?
Do you want your sexlife to be enjoyable?
Do sometimes worry about the consequences of sex?
Don't have an worries and don't take any risks! Enjoy your sexual conquests without being paranoid!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Links To Sources About Birth Control
1. Gives information about how to purchse various methods of birth control. Also contains family planning and other useful information.
2. A site where you can think about which birth control method would be good for you, and understand what method does what.
3. A site where you can learn about birth control, but has much more. Here you can learn about STD's, sex, and many other questions you might have about this area.
4. History of Birth Control: A powerpoint presentation that goes through the history of birth control, and also explains what types there are.
5. Planned Parenthood: A place where you can go learn about birth control, and other options oncerning pregnancy. You can also find ways to be active by donating, and issues throughout the world.
The history of the Social Problem - Birth Control
In 200 A.D. Greek gynochologist Soranus said women were fertile during ovulation but thought ovulation occuured during menstruation. She suggested:
---Smearing olive oil, pomegrante pulp, ginger or tobacco juice around the vagina to kill the sperm.
---Drinking water that the blacksmiths used to cool hot metals.
---Jumping backward 7 times after intercourse to dislodge sperm.
In the early 20th century common birth control methods included:
- Coitus Interruptus (withdrawing before ejaculation)
- Condoms (including one that resembled a small cap made of rubber developed by Charles Goodyear.
- The rhythm method.
- Early versions of the diaphragm made from gut (1920's) or polyethylene (1960's).
- Extended lactation.
- Abstinence
- Abortion
- Surgical Sterilization
During the first half of the 20th century, contraceptives were not widely available to women. The Comstock Law of 1873 outlawed the distribution of information about birth control. The Comstock Law was particularly hard on poor women who had no means of obtaining medical advice or treatments from physicians.
In the 1920s and 1930s, Margaret Sanger challenged The Comstock Law by disseminating birth control information and supplies. She wanted to make sure that women could get individual care and guard against misinformation.
In 1936, Samger and the National Committee for Federal Legislation on Birth Control won a judicial decision, United States vs. One Package. It exempted physicians from The Comstock Law restrictions on the disseminating of information on contraception.
By the 1960s, the birth control pill had been introduced.
In 1965, a Supreme Court Decision (Griswold vs. Connecticut) legalized birth control for married couples.
In 1967, family planning was included among the services provided to women receiving public assistance, allowing for women to space their children enabling them to take different jobs, opportunities, or educational opportunities.
In 1970, Title X of the Public Health Service Act authorized public funding for family planning services. By the century's end, the public remained divided over how much government funding should be involved in the funding of family planning services. This was fueled over the debate about abortion. At the end of th century, 1 and 5 women still depended on publicly funded sources for contraceptives and family planning.
Birth Control and Technology
1.Abstinence: Obviously not very technological, but the safest and first form of birth control, if you don't give getting pregnant a chance, it clearly can't happen to you!