1.Abstinence: Obviously not very technological, but the safest and first form of birth control, if you don't give getting pregnant a chance, it clearly can't happen to you!
2. Condoms: A common and well known form of birth control. A condom is common us
ed by the male partner in preventing from pregnancy and does not allow the male seman into the females body if used correctly.
3.Spermicide: A spermicide comes in the form of jelly, cream, or foam. It contains chemicals that make it impossible for the sperm to function.
4. The Pill: F
emales can take a daily pill that puts hormones in their bodies. These hormones prevent the females from ovulating, and if a female doesn't ovulate and produce an egg, that egg can't be fertilized.
5. Hormone Injections: Females can get a monthly hormone injection through a shot. This shot prevents ovulation, like hormones in the pill does, preventing the female from being pregnant.
6. Plan B: Plan B is an emergency contraceptive that females can take within 72 hours after having unproctected sex, or the protection failed to serve it's purpose.
7. The Patch: The females sticks a patch to her, a new one everyweek. The patch also releases hormones into the females body and prevent ovulation. It is convenient because you don't have to remember your pill everyday.

8. Intrauterine Device (IUD): A T shaped instrument that is placed in the women's uterus that prevents the sperm from fertilizing. There are different forms of these, some working up to ten years.
9. Female Steralization (tubal ligation): A minor surgery that is permanant, it blocks the females fallopian tubes off, therefore not allowing sperm to reach the eggs.
10. Male Steralization (vasectomy): A sugery males get to block the tube that sperm travel through. This prevents the sperm from leaving the male, therefore pregnancy cannot happen.
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