Nearly 1 million women under the age of 20 get pregnant each year, that means close to 2,800 teens get pregnant each day. So you're

not on Birth Control? This girl could easily be you. In today's world it is very unrealistic not to be on birth control. Today females have too much to work for, and can't afford to be stopped by unwanted pregnancy. If your dreaming of big career goals, school goals, or starting that perfect family with Prince Charming at the right and convenient time, then not being on birth control is not an option for you. Many pregnancies can be prevented by using different types of birth control, or different types used together for extra protection.
It is simple and easy to go to your doctor and talk about birth control. If you don't wish to talk to you doctor about it then go to a family planning center and find out the details. There are many places you can go to get birth control, this even includes going to your local Walmart and purchasing some condoms!
Use birth control, or else you will end up with unwanted pregnancy.
1 comment:
A CONTRACEPTIVESfriend of mine got married, but only six months after she did, she conceived because her natural birth control method failed.
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